Investing in equity is similar to giving an exam. Everyone else in the classroom is writing the exam but what you write is going to reward you with marks. Similarly, returns in equity depend upon your decisions, understanding of the markets and right time of investments. Just as you have various categories of students, there are a few types of investors. Learn the 5 types of investors. Find out where you stand amongst the listed.
No Risk
No risk investors are mainly conservative investors. Usually, mid age investors fall under this category. They are highly prone to be completely dependent on their salaries/ business. No risk investors usually do not plan for very long term investments because their priorities are for short term goals. SIP investments in Mutual Fund Schemes are good options for no risk investors. As SIP investments may average out their risk and returns. SIP may also embed a discipline to invest consistently. To save an amount deducted as tax, such investors can invest in ELSS funds which can generate good returns.
Moderately conservative
Such investors usually prefer investing in low risk assets. While investing in equity, these investors look for fewer fluctuations and depend more on stable stocks. However they invest 20-25% in the market with the rest in safe savings or debt fund. Such investors should invest in focused mutual funds with lesser number of stocks in the portfolio that can concentrate on returns with limited downside. Invest for long term to benefit from the compounded interest.
Average investors are usually interested in market situations. They invest as per the market situations and their financial needs. However the smarter mediocre investors invest in regular SIP for consistent investment habit and in ELSS for tax benefits. It is advisable that such investors should invest a lumpsum as per convenience and hold on to their investments in the market growth cycles.
Equity runner
Equity runners are usually adequately informed about the markets. They sustain their investments according to growth cycles. Such investors invest about 50% in the quality stocks. However, their risk appetite is moderately high. Investors falling under this category should spend quality time in learning about their stocks. Since such investors are less risk averse, they hold on to their quality winners in the bearish market.
Aggressive investor
Aggressive investors are the ones who invest upto 80% in equity. Their risk choices are high with a direct approach to higher returns over a longer period of time. Aggressive investors so not completely depend on their salary or debt investments. Besides their growth with quality stocks they highly benefit due to compounded returns over a long tenure of staying invested.
Disclaimer:The illustrations are used to explain the concept and should not be used for development or implementation of an investment strategy. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future.
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