This week we wanted to give a tribute to Mr. Warren Buffett, one of the biggest investment Gurus of the planet. Mr. Buffett is an inspiration for all the value investors who want to make their investments worth in the long run. From the process of selecting the quality stocks to riding their performance staying invested for a long time is an art itself and Mr. Buffett is, indeed a great artist. Let us learn from of his quotes that have added value to value investing and made investors wiser.

Rule no. 1: Never lose money. Rule no. 2: Never forget rule number 1.
Let’s start with the basics! Why do we invest money in equity? If investing wasn’t meant to make profit, it wouldn’t make sense. Mr. Buffett doesn’t believe in formats and formulas for wealth creation; however, he only believes in investing smartly. He shares importance of sound knowledge and research while advising for long term investment. No one wants to lose money but very few want to know how to not lose money. The process of wealth creation in equity starts with a choice; wiser investors believe only in these rules of wealth creation.
Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.

Average investors are often seen investing money in companies which they have no idea about. Investing in equity is not just about buying stocks at cheap price and selling them at higher price. Mr. Buffett mentions the clearer difference between Price and Value. Investors must buy stocks which hold quality with regards to long period of time you are invested.The value is often seen in the companies with excellent management and business with a good pattern of growth in the long run. Ultimately price that you pay doesn’t make money but value that you get does.
Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.

When you invest in equity, risk is inherent. Mr. Buffett, however, reinforces that you, as an investor must be aware of what you are doing. This is possible only with a sound knowledge. Buying businesses that you do not know of may lead you to be directionless. Rather, learn about the companies and their managements. Research is the basis of knowledge about companies you want to invest in. Understand how their business functions over the period of time and how does the company adapt to the situations. Buying stocks without knowing why you want to buy those stocks is a risk.
Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.

Patience is value investor’s key identity. Mr. Buffett believes in buying more of quality stocks in the times of market corrections as the stocks with great quality may be available at a fair price. When others are greedy to buy stocks, the price of quality stocks may rise. That’s a point one should be fearful about, as the correct time of buying the correct stocks might be missed. Wiser investors prefer to stick to the quality stocks and hold them on for a longer time; instead they prefer buying more stocks during corrections.
I made my first investment at age eleven. I was wasting my life until then.

Mr. Buffett has shared this quote many times when he talks about his early life in investing. Few investors who understand the power of compounding will relate to this very simply. Money that money earns, earns money; so earlier you start investing, the chances of achieving higher returns are higher. Investing in value is a long term investment. It’s wise to invest while you’re young as the risk aversion may change according to your age. Nonetheless, if you are thinking of investing, the time is now!