Being rewarded a bonus is surely an achievement, but utilizing your bonus wisely, could be a lot better. Perhaps, greater! It’s very common to hear others saying, “Live life king-size”, which one definitely should, but not at the cost of all your hard-earned money on pleasures that are transient, but being sagacious to plan your future. Curtailing on expenses may not sound too enticing; however, investing some money regularly will surely offer sweet returns. Learn 5 ways to put your bonus to good use.
Get rid of the weight on your chest
Debts with high interest rates, for instance, personal loans, car loans, EMIs or mortgage come with high interest rates that you have been paying for years and sooner you pay off the better it will be for you. Not only do they consume a major chunk of your income, but deprive you from the chance of saving or investing any money. So, to safeguard your financial goals from high rate of interest, list out all the EMIs or other loans that are to be cleared urgently or partially.. This way you can easily pay the smaller EMIs or loans. If you are constantly pressurized by loans on your credit card, countless EMIs or other debts, then consider your bonus to be a blessing straight from heaven.
Smack that tax
Tax planning is essential and doing it well could help you reap great benefits in future, in terms of various investment instruments, namely; insurances, mutual funds etc. For instance, you could plough your money in ELSS (Equity Linked Savings Scheme) that exempt you from dishing out a lot of money on tax and yet give you equity market growth. These plans are formulated in accordance to the Government schemes or allowances. For instance, you can invest into ELSS and deduct up to Rs. 1,50,000 from your taxable income to effectively reduce your tax liability under section 80C of Income Tax Act, 1961.
Not just rainbows, but storms too
Life isn’t always fun and games. There can be rainy days when you’d need more than an umbrella. Well yes, you may have to spend a bomb on untoward situations like emergencies, accidents, loss of job or other calamities, one just wouldn’t imagine. To avoid such turbulence, put your financial wisdom into use by maintaining a cash reserve or contingency fund that assist in hard times. In days of turmoil such as; accidents or illness where a lot of money is spent on paying hospital or medicine bills, cash-in-hand serves efficiently.
Let your bonus work for you
Alright, you’re fortunate if you don’t have EMI’s or loans pestering you. However, to retain your fortune and augment it, invest your bonus in various financial instruments that serve a long-term passive income. It’s about time you re-shuffle your existing investment structure. Re-balance your portfolio, and examine the investments that are giving you good returns and rule out the avenues that are under performing and accordingly invest in holdings that are doing well. In a nutshell, this is an ample opportunity to re-assort your eggs and throw the rotten ones out.
Now pat yourself and celebrate!
The bonus we receive at the end of the year because of our hard work is certainly a good news to rejoice on and it’s entirely your prerogative on how to spend it. It’s now time for you to off-load stress and make merry. Take your family out for vacation or a dinner with friends, because you deserve it.
Disclaimer: Investors are advised to consult their tax advisor in view of individual nature of tax benefits. Further, tax deduction(s) available u/s 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 is subject to conditions specified therein. Investors are requested to note that fiscal laws may change from time to time and there can be no guarantee that the current tax position may continue in the future.