Investing in mutual funds has an inherent risk assumed upon the ownership. However, performance of the mutual funds can be quantified with the mathematical calculation of the historical returns. The correlation of the potential risk and the potential returns constantly put forth the opportunities to invest in mutual funds and drive maximum potential returns with minimum underlying risk.
Risk adjusted returns

Risk adjusted returns are the calculative returns your funds make compared to the risk indicated over the period of time. If compared, a couple of mutual funds which drive the same percentage of returns over the same period of time, the lesser risk funds have a higher Risk Adjusted Returns.

Benchmarking is the measurement of quality of the funds against the standard measurements. It is a point of reference compared to the funds peer markets. Irrespective of the objectives of investment in mutual funds, benchmark helps you gauge the performance of your investment against the market competition. Considering historical returns against the market conditions will help you determine the relevance of the performance benchmark for your investments. However, historical return is not a reliable indicator of future results.
Relative Performance with peers

Relative performance with peers is a yardstick of the effectiveness of your mutual fund of the same category. Mutual Funds actively try to top the ranking of the fund universe. Intended towards a higher return for the determined period of value learning, the relative peer performance is recommended.
Quality of stocks in the portfolio

Quality of stocks in the portfolio is reflected in its ability to drive superior returns on capital invested for a specific period of time. It is wise to check the industry leadership position of the mutual fund. Quality of the stocks in the portfolio would reflect in returns hence in the performance. Qualitative statistics and historical performance of mutual funds would help evaluating the performance.
Track record and competence of the fund manager

Your fund manager is an important person who makes investment decisions and stock selection in the portfolio. Understand your fund manager’s competence according to his/her fund management knowledge and ability. Your fund manager’s past performance would be a good parameter to track his/her record and could turn to be of a great value for your investments.